Sunday, December 5, 2010

so i'm at this bar and...

the plane landed on
the earth like a door
closing and the room
was black except for

your breath and the
bear kept saying your
name over and over

except that wasn't
your name now
was it and the space
heater was telling

me the most boring
story i've ever heard.
"we see or seem to
see…..blah blah blah"

the words coming from
its mouth like a soft
dry rain falling into my
ear where everything

was alive and dying
for anything interesting
an icy runway where
only you are able to land


Norma said...

I liked this one. It didn't make me altogether sad.

Anonymous said...

worried?! the truth is interesting enough...i see and it is. Poetry is interesting..I may be way OFF......trying to take a breath can seem like hours :-)

Gina said...

dreamscape and appliance talk tends to be very boring indeed. i like this.

melodyb said...

This is like something I'd dream but not be able to totally remember in the morning. said...

stupid spaceheaters. Always blabbing. I like the self-portrait. Now I want a cigarette. sigh.

Anonymous said...

I have an extremely active imagination Bob. Probably just as interesting as yours. My goodness, what I could do with that hat...

Anonymous said...

Adam in the Clouds
a new year, a new day
Adam buries
in a plle of hay
the canvas of his self-portraying
along with Eve's note
that she carved with clay...
Now perched on fig tree
out, bare, on a limb
alone he plays
'paint a cloud'
eyes fixed on the sky
a fat cloud rolls by
he draws a pink pillow
that carries love on its way
then hollow pretzel clouds
send him thru a brown
tunnel of lovers
who are self-betraying
and lie twisted in a shroud...
A sudden whiff of jasmine
kindly reminds him
of her wild summer hair
and he's lost in a cloud
shaped as Eve's red flame
burning the pear-shaped cloud
that rains blue tears loud
dripping on his cheeks and beard
as he silently prays
that her heart would sway
so that... If he may
he'd squeeze the hand of love
even for just one day...
Written by Lilac_Brown

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Lilac_Brown. I miss you to the moon.

Anonymous said...

Letter from Eve
Adam, meet me
On the bridge of hearts
That connects you and me
thru time and space
Eternity and infinity…

Adam, paint me
On the moon bridge
Where art was our first language
Art, when breathed in as oxygen,
Reopening old scars and
Self-inflicted new wounds…

Adam, lead me
On the bridge covered
With gold coins
Each engraving
The word you keep…

Adam, catch…
The valentines
Falling from the sky
And put them on my bleeding heart...
written by Lilac_Brown

Anonymous said...

Went downtown
door shut down
till sunday
blood shot
brown eyes
turned blue
Adam stares at
yellow moon
like werewolf
becoz he
misses falling
now counting
hours and minutes
show down
lilac brown
in downtown.
By Leila_B

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The day the plane hit the ground. Poetry is interesting and I realized.... Space heaters, electric blankets...such descriptive words.

Anonymous said...

Key to flower parts --> let's dance, let's sing, dance as the n.o. Step Al....n
Be true, be blue, be sapphire blue
Stop running away fr.
What's yours!
so you can sleep deep sleep
So you'll fly to Wonderland
true wonderland
where there's no more fear
everything going down!

Anonymous said...

Ok, step...1, 2, 1,2. What now brown cow? Lol. I'm so cold I wish for snow.

Anonymous said...

Lol ;-)) in most things xo lead, in some things I lead, dancing will warm you up mo than havin revlon in your bed. can u Come 'clean my flower' ? that should b true warmth.

Anonymous said...

Clean a flower
Yes indeed
Tell me how
I proceed
Private investigator
former life
Prepared me
for this crazy strife
How did we get here
Imagination gone mad
I'm so happy
I am glad
smell the flower
tell me when
Tell me where
it's all zen
I'll toil my soil
and prepare
Give me time
Or I despair
You know me well
You know my life
Must kiss my children
Tell the truth as a wife
Think about the next clue
Hurry fast or I'll be blue
I can't wait to sing and dance
Erase this if it pleases your stance
I'm scared

Anonymous said...

former p.i., let me think... of how to tell you when n where.
peeps could b watchin', readin' this.
how many children do you have?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Details don't matter now
I'll tell you more when we are found
Faym who might stalk and prey
Wait your turn-another day
Please erase my heart sincere
I should not post before contemplating over beer

Anonymous said...

sorry I can't talk now.
Your fear is telling u something. Yes think over beer.
You can't clean flower w/ fear, w/ a sincere heart, yeah maybe?
You can email me if u know me (as you claim u do)
pat yourself on the back, u're still a good p.I. Or A flower gatherer and I Like You already. Muah!
don't want u to get in trouble w Faym.

Anonymous said...

I've seen this road before... Lol. I don't know. I think this might be a pack of vampires. If not then whoever plays games with my heart-you're evil! I've done all I can do.

Anonymous said...

Vampires? They exist in books so far.

I see them as bees, they smell the flower in bloom and they come uninvited.

Really main_bee, you've done all You can? Really?
No kidding?

Look at the other side of the Coin:

1.You decide this is Not the Only way to communicate
2. AnOther way is face-to-face (since email is not avail for u) the main_bee comes to see the flower, who is blooming only for a limited time!

Anonymous said...

Lol. Bees and flower a much better description. On morning glory don't closeup and go way. I want to see you in another way. I'm just confused about how. Surely u understand. I try to reach you and get no response...wish I understood how. And yes option 2 is good.

Anonymous said...

Main_bee, let's meet and Talk. can't wait another 2 weeks, morning glory may close up, n whither again. u know she threw up last sunday when you packed up your organ and left, you just plain-old left while she stood there, you know, you did that repeatedly for a year and a half! she went away once for an issue she can't say here. Tell me Bee what is it that You Really Want?

Anonymous said...

You. Scroll thru life to November 2nd and meet me there tomorrow at 7:00. Go up two flights of stairs and find the couch, ill be waiting there. Let's talk. Sounds like a great start. Thanks for clarification. I needed it.

Anonymous said...

I assume 7pm. Scrolled thru your posts to nov 2, didn't see any local place! No poem on nov 2 either!
Unclear about location, please give me another clue or email me? Or send me a fb comment?
(if you don't trust me by now w email, when will you?)

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you know who I am? November 2nd On my life has a place I visited. It's also in my mobile uploads. Of course I trust you with email, but I dont know how to give it to you privately. I thought it was visible on FB. I'm not technically inclined. I'll try to make it visible. The throw up comment made me think you knew me, but maybe coincident.? Lol. Yes 7:00pm. Lol

Anonymous said...

yes i'm pretty sure i know you bec. morning glory was sent to you on your special day wish, wasn't it? unless 'in the dark everyone feels almost the same?' lol.
maybe i don't see your mobile uploads bec. i'm not your fb friend, just requested fr-ship, but then you have some sort of censorship whether I know you or not??.
you can also send me an email, it's on my fb info page. or send me an email

Anonymous said...

Yes, i think i found the place, it has leading cons. in Public Relations?

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is Bob is laughing...And since I get no friend request from you, I realize the power of imagination. Im sad, but Im sure you are sad too. I hope you find who you are looking for and I hope I also find what Im looking for...yes everyone feels almost the same in the darkness-a happy place where we can be alive, free and able to dream of endless possibility. :-)

Anonymous said...

is that you again?
I'm looking for noone really, only one to create a masterpiece with. Now I'm curious about who you are. I like
your sincerity, except that you try to be bob, pretty good con artist job, I forgive u. Bec u write well n u appreciate my poems. If we r meant to meet, we will some day. Definitely here again, I know bec. You will be circling soon above bob's open casket. I'll be happy to dance w/ you. I dance w whomever asks me first. Lol. Stay warm, don't b sad, b glad, I could b a vampire like u know who!

Anonymous said...

xo...forever and goodbye

Anonymous said...

Xo, u need to give me ur name so I can go to nov 2!
If u r clever, show me ur face! ;-) love_pentagon.

Anonymous said...

When I read the poem that starts with Clean A Flower, all I can think is -gag me with a spoon. pathetic and embarrassing. Look what u do 2 me.
