Friday, July 1, 2011

superhero (rapidograph on illustration board)


firedancer said...

vraitment.c'est la vie. c'est ma vie. you speak the truth. and so eloquently. divine inspiration? no, just your inner genius...admiration abounds and abides

fuquinay said...

This is the one I want.

Unknown said...

That is beautiful.

Norma said...

Can I keep just the hair? I like the hair.

B said...

Weird and wonderful. Why do I think of David Bowie?

Anonymous said...

Sort of just the way I picture superheros. he eating a guinea pig? I always thought guinea pigs were the good guys. Maybe it is an aberrant guinea pig? An aberrant superhero? I had to look up the spelling of aberrant. My memory is totally shot. C'est vrai.

Anonymous said...

refreshing. i dig it.

Lastralor said...

I imagine such visions came to Dali in his dreams

Yvette Escamilla said...

you look good in this one

Katie Pizzuto said...

Reminds me a lot of Austin Osman Spare's stuff. Ever see any of it? Same sense of androgyny, death and dreams.
